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Evaluation of clinical parameters considered to be important in the success rate of dental implants by clinicians
2020 08 03
Evaluation of clinical parameters considered to be important in the success rate of
dental implants by clinicians
Seyedalireza Faramarzifar (MSc - Dissertation)
It seems that implant therapy is a predictable and successful treatment for oral rehabilitation, thus, allowing it to gain tremendous popularity for prosthetic reconstruction in selected patients. To assess the implant therapy performance, among different measures, survival, failure and success of implants are the most common controls implemented by clinicians and researchers. There are different proposed criteria of success, which are used as guideline to evaluate outcomes of implant dentistry. The main goal of this project conducted as an audit is to assess the compatibility of practitioners’ (practising implant dentistry) criteria of implant treatment success with agreed guideline This project was approved and conducted at “Bart’s and the London school of dentistry Implant Review Clinic” in June and July 2019. Based on population number of 20, a sample size of 15 practitioners was selected to achieve confidence level of 95% and marginal error of 12%. Data was collected with a designed questionnaire and checked for accuracy. The proportion of participants in terms of gender was 60% for male 40% for female practitioners. The ratio of staff/student reported at ½ with average work experience of, respectively. 20% of practitioners did not mentioned any parameter of guideline. 20% of sample population noted the guideline parameters completely. 93% of participants mentioned at least one of the frequently used parameters of success rather than guideline. Aesthetic and appearance had the highest level of notation by clinicians. Small proportion of (20%) practitioners noted the same criteria of success with guideline. The number of guideline parameters mentioned by clinicians was higher among staff and female practitioners. Appearance and aesthetic, a frequently used factor in literature, showed the highest level of popularity among the clinicians. In conclusion, there was a poor level of compatibility between practitioners’ criteria of success about an implant treatment and established guideline criteria of success. it seems that there is a need of updating the current guideline based on patient-centred approach as well as informing the practitioners with updated guideline.